Experiencing Jesus as Saviour
These questions are connected to the message, Experiencing Jesus as Saviour from Sunday, August 11, 2024.
- Robyn said testimonies are living sermons. What is your story? How would you tell someone what Jesus has done – or is doing – in your life? If you haven’t been baptized, is it something you would consider?
- When you think of Jesus as Saviour, what does that mean to you? Did that change at all after hearing this sermon?
- In first-century Israel, “saviour” was a political word, and when something was political it had to do with the betterment of the city. What does this historical understanding of “saviour” reveal about our interpretation of Jesus’ role in bringing about societal transformation today?
- Where do you need rescuing in your life? What lies do you believe? Where are you hiding or pretending?
- What role do we have in God’s plan for salvation, and how can we act as conduits to help others experience a fully vibrant and meaningful life?