Come Join Us!
Are you ready for more? Are you you looking for meaning and purpose in your life? Are you tired of church but want more of Jesus? Are you ready for an encounter like none other? Or maybe you don’t even know what you believe yet. Here at Lakeside, you’re invited to ask questions, find hope, experience healing, and help change the world (not necessarily in that order). So what are you waiting for? Scroll down to learn more about how you can find your place here at Lakeside.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can find us at 7654 Conservation Road, right by Guelph Lake. If you’ve been to the conservation area before, chances are you’ve driven right by our building. Come in the second laneway (if you’re coming from Victoria Road). If you need accessible parking, there are a number of spots available on the paved section.
The service runs from about 10-11:15am. There will be a few songs, followed by some announcements, a short coffee break, and a message from one of our pastors. You can engage with any of those components however you feel comfortable. Coffee is served right in the auditorium. Feel feel to get up when you need a refill, move around, or attend to kids. We’re pretty casual here.
Everyone starts in the auditorium together for musical worship, followed by a fun, engaging, and age-appropriate program for children from birth to Grade 5. We utilize a secure check-in system for kids and you’ll check-in at the Kids Check-in Desk when you arrive. If you want to skip the line on your first Sunday morning, consider filling out the New Family Registration Form beforehand (but it’s not mandatory; our volunteers can do this with you at the check-in desk).
The short answer is, whatever you feel comfortable in. The atmosphere at Lakeside is casual so some people come in jeans or shorts while others prefer to dress up a bit. You won’t be out of place with either option.
You can remain as anonymous as you’d like for as long as you need, but we believe we grow best in community, so when you’re ready, we’d love to know who you are. You can text the word NEW to 226-400-2189 and someone from our welcome team will reach out. You can also stop by Guest Services any Sunday morning (by the blue wall).
Great question! We have lots of events, groups, and gatherings that happen every week, and you can join in whenever you’d like. Serving on a team is also one of the best ways to get connected.
Lakeside Church exists to help all people discover and fully follow Jesus. Whether you are gay, straight, trans, queer, questioning, or unsure … whatever language describes you best, you are welcome here. To read more about what we mean when we say you’re welcome at Lakeside, click here.
Our Story
We've got a story, but we want to hear yours.

Chances are you’ve already checked out Lakeside before landing on this page. Maybe you’ve watched a service online, perused our website, or followed us on social media. We’ve got a story and you don’t have to look far to find it. We’ve been part of this community for more than 30 years, and like any family, we’ve had our ups and downs. We’ve grown, we’ve changed, we’ve lived through a pandemic, but the one constant through all of that has been Jesus. As a community we’re learning more about who Jesus is and how we let his radical love shape our lives – as individuals and as a church community.
And so, we’re journeying together, and we invite you to come along. There is no shortage of churches you can attend, sermons you can watch, or programs you can be involved in, but if you’re looking for a safe and inclusive place where you can be yourself, where you can ask questions, and where you can learn more about Jesus, then we think you just might like it here. Now that you know a little bit about us, we’d love to know about you. How can we help?
Got Kids?
We’ve got you covered with programs on Sunday morning for Lakeside Kids (up to Grade 5). Our Lakeside Youth program runs on Wednesday evenings for Jr High and high school students (Grades 6-12) throughout the school year. Learn more.
Lakeside Gatherings
Lakeside Gatherings are social events and get-togethers led and hosted by Lakeside people for the sole purpose of connecting in community. This is a great opportunity if you’re looking to find your people or get to know others in a casual environment. ANYONE can host a gathering and it can be as simple as going for a walk. Think about the things you do every day (or things you like to do) and invite other Lakesiders to join you. Host a gathering by clicking the button below (we’ll take care of the advertising and promotion) or check out the gatherings other Lakesiders are hosting right now.